Individuals can choose the way of intermittent fasting that works best for them because there are several. Some popular approaches to intermittent fasting are as follows:
Fasting for 16 hours and cutting your eating window to 8 hours each day is the 16/8 approach, which is also called the Leangains program. Consume food between midday and eight in the evening, and then abstain from eating again until noon the next day.
One approach is known as "alternate-day fasting," and it entails going without food for a day and then eating very little the next day.
The Warrior Diet proposes a four-hour window in which you eat nothing but raw fruits and vegetables during the day, followed by a big meal at night.
While some people may find success with intermittent fasting, it's vital to remember that it may not work for you. Before beginning a fasting program, anyone with particular health problems or conditions should talk to a doctor.