Mars rules Aries, who never take anything from anybody. Aries are the most impatient star sign since Mars, their ruling planet, is the commander planet.
Because of their earth sign and Venusian ruling, Taureans tend to be patient when they aren't pressed for time. On the other hand, if you dare to argue with them, they could charge at you.
For Leo, it's my way or no way at all. Being dominated by the Sun itself, Leo desires to be treated like a king and finds it annoying when someone makes "a king" wait. Once again, Leos are fire signs, and they are notoriously impatient.
Being an earth sign ruled by Mercury, Virgos are analytical thinkers and strategic planners. Virgos are very careful planners, yet they can easily lose their cool if anything goes wrong or if anybody else offers feedback on their meticulous preparations. Even if they don't act it, they're probably losing it.
Being a fire sign, Sagittarius values speed above all else and isn't known for their patience. As a sign that is both eager to act and easily distracted by little details, Sagittarius is second only to Aries in terms of impatience.
Saturn, the planet of law and order, currently rules Earth and its sign, Capricorn. Seeing their expectations not materialized causes them to lose patience. You should not put a Capricorn to the test because they will bring you down before you can bring them down.