Possible causes of litter box problems include medical conditions, an unclean litter box, an inappropriate type of litter, stress, or territorial difficulties. Methods for Management: Always use fresh litter, check with your vet to be sure your cat isn't sick, and keep the litter box clean. It could be a good idea to have many litter boxes placed in various areas.
Possible causes of violence include fear, territorial disputes, discomfort, and misdirected anger. Managing It: Find what sets you off and stay away from it whenever you can. Modify or add new stimuli gradually. For specific recommendations, go to a vet or an animal behaviorist.
A lack of mental challenge, stress, or boredom might be the root cause of destructive behavior. Management Strategies: Make sure there have toys, play with them, and make sure they're in an enjoyable atmosphere. To maintain your cat's mental stimulation, think about getting them a puzzle feeder or a toy that can dispense rewards.
Possible causes of spraying or marking include territorial marking, stress, or environmental changes. Methods for Control: Have your cat spayed or neutered if you haven't already. Take care of any environmental stresses and make sure it's safe and stable. To alleviate tension, try using synthetic feline face pheromones.