Four zodiac signs face early December setbacks.

Beware of intriguers in December. Stay away from controversies and those who want your secrets. Failures won't affect you if you manage this assignment.





Watch everything from outside. Do not aid those who keep hitting the same rake or become involved in disputes. Focus on your accomplishments.






You must build trust in December. Do not create jealousy scenarios for your partner—it will go wrong. Slowing down at work will provide you more time with your loved one.


Avoid doing everything at once. Live slowly and appreciate every minute. Avoid arguing with superiors and proving your rightness.


Beginning December will be difficult. You might lose your job and money. Because you blame others and think you're invincible.


You should fix your mistakes. Consider what holds you back. Find the cause of your failures and eradicate it.


Your first month of winter will feel like a dark streak. It will look like everything is coming apart. Negativity and grief should be ignored.


If you prioritize yourself and prevent negative thoughts, the run of absolute calamity will cease. Time to learn self-care.

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