Belly fat is associated with the following health risks:

Visceral fat, which is fat that accumulates around the abdominal organs, is notably connected with excess belly fat, which is related with a number of health problems, including the following issues:

Diseases of the Heart: Obesity around the midsection is associated with an elevated danger of developing coronary artery disease, hypertension, and stroke. Problems with the heart and blood vessels can develop when belly fat cells secrete chemicals that exacerbate arterial plaque.

People who carry extra fat around their middles are more likely to have insulin resistance and eventually acquire type 2 diabetes. Elevated blood sugar levels may result from an alteration in the body's insulin sensitivity brought on by visceral fat.

Metabolic Syndrome: Excess belly fat, excessive cholesterol levels, hypertension, and elevated blood sugar all contribute to this illness. The likelihood of developing cardiovascular disease, stroke, and diabetes is greatly increased.

Specific Cancers: Several studies indicate that an abundance of abdominal fat may heighten the likelihood of acquiring particular forms of cancer, including colorectal and breast cancer.

Liver diseases can occur when excess fat accumulates in the liver as a result of obesity, namely visceral fat. This can lead to a condition called non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), which, in extreme cases, can develop to more severe illnesses such as liver inflammation or cirrhosis.

Abdominal fat in excess might provide a risk for sleep apnea, a disorder marked by disrupted breathing while sleeping.

Lifestyle adjustments including diet, exercise, stress management, and sleep can lower these health risks by reducing belly fat. For tailored belly fat management and health recommendations, see a healthcare expert.

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