The Half Moon in Virgo makes us unsure of what we're doing, which will frustrate us today. OK, it seems like every day, but on December 5, 2023, we'll realize we've gone so far and question if it was worth it.
The Half Moon in Virgo marks the halfway point, and with this lunar transit in Virgo, we take on some of the zodiac sign's traits. On this day, three other zodiac signs will start to wonder if their previous efforts — in love, business, and career — are anywhere near satisfying.
On December 5, 2023, you may feel pressed to perform one way when you're not sure you want to. This suggests that you 'thought' you'd have decided on an urgent subject by now, but now you're even more confused. The Half Moon in Virgo makes you want to rethink your alternatives, which seems like procrastination.